Betti Ono Presents 'The Voice Behind the Art'

The release of ‘The Voice Behind the Art’ featuring Rachel Wolfe Goldsmith aka @wolfe_.pack is here! Following the incident surrounding the muralist that created the Breonna Taylor mural, an organic campaign was born around the prioritization of women’s safety and wellness. Rachel’s decision to paint Zoe was not only coincidental, but a timely response to what had occurred. You have likely seen Rachel’s murals all over the Town, at the Tribune building and Youth Radio. In this episode, you get the opportunity to know her more personally as she speaks about belonging, gender-based violence, and what community means to her. Stay tuned for announcements regarding our 10 year anniversary season, which will include an open call to engage the public on these issues. 


Video Production: Taylor Nicole Price and Edem Kwakumey

Special thanks to Endeavors for the drone footage!

Displayed art by Nisha Sethi